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Eight hearing aids of varying sizes on white background

Hearing Aids are mechanical devices that amplify sounds in order to assist individuals with better hearing. Hearing aids come in many styles, as well as various levels of technology and features. Remote controls and streamers can be paired with hearing aids to enhance the listening ability of the individual and to provide a link between hearing aids and many technological devices. The Audiologists at Drs. Girgis & Associates will work with you to assist you to easily use these devices in your everyday environments.



Let you manually adjust volume and customized programs for background noise.



link hearing aids with phones, televisions and other technology devices.



to link directly with your television for improved clarity.


to link phones to your hearing aids for a hands free listening experience.



to assist in noise for extreme hearing losses.



to be more environmentally friendly.

Advanced Digital

  •   Able to use streamers to connect with other forms of technology (cell phones, TVs, home phones, etc.)
    •   Environmental learning for less manual adjustment
      •   Synchronized sound processing for better binaural listening

        Premium Digital

        •   Additional controls to adjust frequencies in sloping hearing losses for improved speech clarity
          •   More pleasant listening experience for music and television
            •   Better sound localization for outdoor use and safety
              •   Additional background noise controls for patients who are active

                Ultimate Digital

                •   Best clarity and noise reduction available
                  •   Wind noise controls, strong feedback (whistle) management systems, and many fully automatic settings
                    •   All the options of the other models in addition to those above

                      Realistic Expectations

                      Hearing Aids are assistive devices that make sounds easier to hear. Therefore, hearing aids do not restore hearing to normal. When hearing aids are removed, the hearing loss persists.

                      New hearing aid users often have confusion regarding the expected outcomes of hearing aid use. Hearing loss is often slow to progress and not all patients seek assistance when symptoms initially occur, or even are aware that a problem exists until it is significant enough to affect speech in their daily lives. Due to the long periods of time when sounds were not heard at proper volume levels, newly amplified sounds may seem too loud or at the wrong pitch. Background noise may seem louder than anticipated and the brain may have difficulty focusing. It takes time to adapt and while everyone is given a trial period, it is important to realize that often the ear and brain have not fully adjusted to hearing again within this time period. Some individuals take weeks and months to adapt to hearing again from the many years it took to develop the hearing loss.

                      Success will occur, but patience and trust are required.